Available courses

Concepts, points of view and applications of information technology to

support learning and problem solving in the digital economy era, as well as practices on fundamental skills for application usage and modern application program development through user experience/user interface, researching, analyzing and assessing data leading to innovation responding to digital business’s needs.

Study the role of business in creating business value for sustainable success. Analyze stakeholder relationships, business environment, the collaborative elements of business including accounting, finance, marketing, production and operation, human resources, strategic management, entrepreneurship, and business ethics, in the changing world. Basic business concepts in different fields are integrated together through the implementation of business project.

Nature, component and procedure of accounting information systems, preparation of business documents, principles of systems analysis and design, basic business cycles, accounting information subsystems including revenue cycle, expenditure cycle, production cycle, cash management cycle, and financial reports, related documents and information in each cycle, internal control, document flow and related accounting information system. E-Filling and modern technology using in accounting information system management. Usage and benefits of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in accounting.

Leaders and managers at all levels of an organisation have important roles to play in supporting an organisation’s ability to meet its strategic intentions, to remain sustainable and to grow in, more often than not, dynamic and evolving environments.